On May 5th 2023, the administration board of HyFAR-ARA officially validated CNES as new member of the association.

The French space agency (CNES, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) is a public administration with industrial and commercial purposes. CNES is under supervision of the French Ministries of the Economy, Defense and Research. CNES missions is to steer the national space policy via 5 major strategic areas:

  • Access to space
  • Civil applications of space
  • Sustainable development
  • Science and technology research
  • Security and defence

For the past ten years, the CNES aerothermodynamics section has been mainly involved in the problematic of debris atmospheric re-entry.

In the frame of the French Space Operation Act (FSOA), CNES is developing multi-physics tools such as DEBRISK, PAMPERO and BLIZZARD to ensure that the risk on ground due to atmospheric re-entry of space vehicles are acceptable.

In parallel, CNES addresses the problematic of Martian atmospheric re-entry, notably with the development of the ICOTOM infrared radiometer to measure the infrared flux from CO2 and CO molecules during the re-entry phase of the Schiaparelli probe (Exomars 2016).