European Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Hypersonic Regime
Virtual Seminar 25-26 May 2021
The symposium
The laminar-to-turbulent transition is a primordial input for the design and trajectory assessment of hypersonic objects:
- the transition at hypersonic speeds causes large changes in heat transfer, skin friction and boundary-layer separation.
- the aerodynamic lift and drag, the stability and control of the object as well as the thermal protection system are directly affected by the state of the boundary-layer.
But understanding how and where transition occurs on a given configuration during re-entry or high-speed flight is one of the long-standing problems in aerodynamics.
The symposium aims to provide the community with most up to date answers to this issue.
The objectives of the symposium are the following:
- gather people working or interested in boundary layer transition for hypersonic applications: experts, aerospace engineers as well as students
- exchange about the current state of the art from the experimental point of view, the numerical side as well as wind tunnel measurements and analyzes
- identify the best practices to study hypersonic transition
Topics to be covered :
- Challenges in reentry and hypersonic system design raised by laminar/turbulent transition
- Numerical and experimental methods for laminar/turbulent transition analysis in hypersonic regime
- Current transition studies in hypersonic regime
- Ground tests, including Hypersonic Quiet Tunnels
- Ground tests instrumentation and analysis
Because of the Covid situation, the organizing committee has decided to propose first a virtual event in May 2021 and to organize in a second time the face-to-face seminar (20-22 September 2021 or 2022).
1 – Virtual event (25-26 May 2021)
This webinar will propose expert and experienced professional talks. The goal of this first event is to provide a global and instructive view of the current state-of-art of laminar-turbulent transition studies in hypersonic regime.
2 – Face-to-face seminar (20-22 September 2021 or 2022 – dependent on the Covid situation)
The face-to-face symposium will be held on 3-days in Bordeaux (France) . It will propose expert talks, presentation sessions and poster sessions in order to provide an easy-exchange conference.