R.Tech joins HyFAR-ARA

On May 5th 2023, the administration board of HyFAR-ARA officially validated R.Tech as new member of the association.


R.Tech is a Small and Medium-sized Entreprise (SME) located in the vicinity of Toulouse. Founded in 2001, R.Tech provides services in numerical simulation (CFD) and software development with an emphasis on the complex physical phenomena encountered in atmospheric re-entry.


R.Tech has been involved in various collaborations with several actors in the space sector such as  ArianeGroup, CNES, Thales Alenia Space, Dassault Aviation, Mecano-Id and ONERA.



Engineering softwares

R.Tech develops codes (CFD and simplified codes), for large-scale calculations and fast execution. With these codes R.Tech performs services in various fields:

  • Fluid mechanics with the MISTRAL code (CFD, DSMC modules),
  • Thermal, mechanical and material response,
  • high quality mesh generation with GridPro (R.Tech is the reseller of GridPro licences in France and the Netherlands)



PAMPERO software

R.Tech is also an actor of the sustainable space exploitation through its contributions to the application of the French Space Operation Act (LOS). Adopted on 3rd June 2008, the LOS has established a national regime of authorization and supervision of space activities.


CNES is in charge of ensuring the right application of the LOS. This in particular implies the assessment of prospective risks on ground when spacecraft and rockets reenter Earth atmosphere at their life end.


For that task a reliable prediction of spacecrafts and rockets demise and debris survivability during atmospheric reentry is required. The spacecraft-oriented tool PAMPERO [1] code is the answer.


Since 2013, CNES in collaboration with R.Tech develops PAMPERO, which aims at simulating the complete atmospheric reentry of an entire satellite or launcher, modeling the 6 degrees of freedom trajectory, aerothermodynamics, conduction, fragmentation, material degradation, and ablation processes.


Other activities

R.Tech activities in space exploration are the ones that directly concern the HyFAR-ARA association. R.Tech activities span nevertheless through many other domains. To find out which they are, follow the link to R.Tech webpage : https://www.rtech.fr/


Reference :

[1] M.Spel et al, Demisability study of industrial test cases with the spacecraft-oriented code PAMPERO, 8th European Conference on Space Debris, 2021 https://conference.sdo.esoc.esa.int/proceedings/sdc8/paper/278/SDC8-paper278.pdf