European Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Hypersonic Regime

Virtual Seminar 25-26 May 2021

The symposium


The laminar-to-turbulent transition is a primordial input for the design and trajectory assessment of hypersonic objects:

  • the transition at hypersonic speeds causes large changes in heat transfer, skin friction and boundary-layer separation.
  • the aerodynamic lift and drag, the stability and control of the object as well as the thermal protection system are directly affected by the state of the boundary-layer.

But understanding how and where transition occurs on a given configuration during re-entry or high-speed flight is one of the long-standing problems in aerodynamics.

The symposium aims to provide the community with most up to date answers to this issue.


The objectives of the symposium are the following:

  • gather people working or interested in boundary layer transition for hypersonic applications: experts, aerospace engineers as well as students
  • exchange about the current state of the art from the experimental point of view, the numerical side as well as wind tunnel measurements and analyzes
  • identify the best practices to study hypersonic transition


Topics to be covered :

  • Challenges in reentry and hypersonic system design raised by laminar/turbulent transition
  • Numerical and experimental methods for laminar/turbulent transition analysis in hypersonic regime
  • Current transition studies in hypersonic regime
  • Ground tests, including Hypersonic Quiet Tunnels
  • Ground tests instrumentation and analysis


Because of the Covid situation, the organizing committee has decided to propose first a virtual event in May 2021 and to organize in a second time the face-to-face seminar (20-22 September 2021 or 2022).

1 – Virtual event (25-26 May 2021)

This webinar will propose expert and experienced professional talks. The goal of this first event is to provide a global and instructive view of the current state-of-art of laminar-turbulent transition studies in hypersonic regime.

2 – Face-to-face seminar (20-22 September 2021 or 2022 – dependent on the Covid situation)

The face-to-face symposium will be held on 3-days in Bordeaux (France) . It will propose expert talks, presentation sessions and poster sessions in order to provide an easy-exchange conference.


(edited 02 May 2021)

The program of the virtual event is outlined below.

The virtual seminar will be held on two-half days on 25 and 26 May 2021.

For inscription please contact:

The number of connections is limited.

Day 1

Experts and experienced professional talks

Day 2

Expert and experienced professional talks


The pre-registration for the face-to-face seminar will be open later…

The COVID-19 epidemy broke out before we were ready to open the online registration. We have now to wait until the end of this dreadly crisis before we resume the registrations.

As the place hosting the symposium (see below) limits the attendence to approximately 70 persons,  we wish to offer you the opportunity to pre-register as soon as possible.

We thus advise you to contact us early  here and leave your name, e-mail address and employer or profession.

We will inform you of the official registration opening as soon as it occurs.

Registration fee will be about 200€ per person for the full symposium, and includes attendence to all sessions, pauses, lunches and tuesday evening dinner.

Payment will only be required when official registration opens

Symposium venue

The face-to-face symposium will be held in the meeting room situated on the roof top of Mercure Cité du Vin hotel. The hotel is in the heart of Bordeaux, multi-centuries old city in the region of world famous wines, along the Garonne river.

Many accomodations are available close to the symposium and in the Mercure hotel itself.

Traveling in Bordeaux is very easy with efficient public transportation system.

Bordeaux offers many touristic areas : you may will to spend some days to discover them !

Organizing committee



  • R. BUR (ONERA)






  • F. PINNA (VKI)

  • P. TRAN (ArianeGroup)