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2nd European Symposium on Laminar/Turbulent Transition in Hypersonic Regime : Bordeaux (France) from 4th to 6th October 2023 Organized by the HyFAR-ARA association and supported by specialists from ArianeGroup, CEA, DLR, ESA, INRIA, MBDA,…

Thesis defense

Agnès CHAN will defend her PhD thesis « Innovative numerical schemes for 3D supersonic aerodynamics on unstructured mesh » on November 18th 2022 14h00 (2 pm) at Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux  (IMB) in  « Salle de Conference »…

ATD3 overview

More than 50 participants gathered during two days in Bordeaux for a successful meeting on space debris reentry in the frame of Europe endeavour for clean space   The Workshop on AeroThermoDynamics and Design for Demise ([1] [2] [3]),…

Atmospheric Reentry and Hypersonic Flight: a long story where HyFAR-ARA takes its place

Atmospheric Reentry: a quick review

Although atmospheric reentry seems to be an innovation of XXth century with the birth of a scientific and technological saga that drove mankind to the Moon and beyond, it has in fact a close relationship with Earth long ago in its history.

Let us only remember one of the most spectacular reentry events in Earth history: the successful reentry of a gigantic meteorite some 70 millions years ago, that obliterated the mighty dinosaurs and opened the path to mankind Earth conquest many years later.

Still today, the atmospheric reentry of natural or human-made meteors is the subject of many concerns.

Atmospheric reentry had its golden era during the race to the Moon and the US space shuttle service. The Shuttle is probably one of the most prominent achievements in civilian space industry.

Europe is not absent from reentry history either, and has its share of striking successes: the Huygens probe that safely landed in 2004 on Saturn’s satellite Titan (over 1 billion km away from Earth), the atmospheric reentry experimental vehicles ARD (1998) and IXV (2015). Many other projects are still ongoing.

Atmospheric reentry is one of the many tools mankind invented to explore its environment always further. Mastering this technology is paramount for space exploration, and HyFAR-ARA members are dedicated thus for.

HyFAR-ARA and Atmospheric Reentry

Mastering atmospheric reentry is a sovereignty issue. The challenges associated with Hypersonic Flight and Atmospheric Reentry are exceedingly complex and require a myriad of technological developments to make the safe reentry and return from space possible.

In order to answer the key scientific questions associated to hypersonic regimes, technicians, scientists and engineers work together to invent, conceive, fabricate, test new concepts and finally bring them to life.

Initialy devoted to Atmospheric Reentry, the HyFAR-ARA association has extended its interest area to Hypersonic Flight since the beginning of 2020. Indeed, the required skills for both fields are complementary: high temperature materials, physical science, mathematics, engineering, numerical computations,…

The workshop on high performance materials and the laminar-turbulent transition symposium planned in 2021 are two good examples of common research fields useful for both Hypersonic Flight and Atmospheric Reentry.

HyFAR-ARA is willing to keep on promoting and helping the hypersonic community. We welcome you on this website: should we have succeeded to arouse your interest, do not hesitate to contact us or even join us in the united and dynamic team that manages this association.



A community for Hypersonic Flight and Atmospheric Reentry


Experts in support of its members and to the community


Initiatives to help industry, research and education organizations

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